Every year, hundreds of works from authors ranging from Dr. Seuss to Ernest Hemingway are challenged or banned from schools and libraries around the nation. The POP Project believes that everybody deserves a good book, and that the freedom to read and access to books...
Author: POP Project
POP Cares for Kids through our Books Giving ProgramsPOP Cares for Kids through our Books Giving Programs
This month, the POP Project was able to give 266 books to CARING for Children, a local advocacy group that provides help for children and families in crisis. The organization currently has a small library at one of their locations, which POP’s donation will help...
Help POP Prepare for Back-to-School Giving!Help POP Prepare for Back-to-School Giving!
Since this time last year, the POP Project has donated over 4,000 books to children’s educational programs, low-income schools, and services. But as we prepare for the 2014-2015 school year and our next youth giving cycle, we currently have less than half of that amount...
Ohio Teens Help POP Make a Big Impact in One Afternoon!Ohio Teens Help POP Make a Big Impact in One Afternoon!
Last week, a group of 10 teens and supervisors helped POP make some big deliveries. The group came all the way from Cincinnati to participate in the Lutheridge program based in Arden. As part of the program, the teens engaged in a variety of service...
Introducing the New POP Project Board of Directors!Introducing the New POP Project Board of Directors!
For several months over the spring, the POP Project was actively searching for new board members. Today, we are happy to announce that we have three new members who are dedicated to advancing POP’s mission in the community. New Board Members Elizabeth Garzarelli, Acting Spokesperson...
The Lit Council: Providing Keys to Literacy and Unlocking the Doors to SuccessThe Lit Council: Providing Keys to Literacy and Unlocking the Doors to Success
The Literacy Council of Buncombe County believes that literacy changes lives for the better. We at the POP Project couldn’t agree more. Recently, the Lit Council announced that James Patterson would be the keynote for this fall’s annual Authors for Literacy Dinner and Silent Auction....
James Patterson is Keynote for Annual Literacy Council FundraiserJames Patterson is Keynote for Annual Literacy Council Fundraiser
James Patterson understands the value of books. In addition to holding the Guinness World Record for most number one New York Times Bestsellers of any author, Patterson is an avid promoter of literacy. Through his Read Kiddo Read website, the author encourages parents to help...
Darth Vader Does Storytime, and Other Fun Moments from May the FourthDarth Vader Does Storytime, and Other Fun Moments from May the Fourth
Last weekend, Spellbound Children’s Bookshop held a fundraiser and book drive for the POP Project in conjunction with International Star Wars Day: May the Fourth. The Fourth was with us, indeed, as a great crowd of children of all ages enjoyed the fun and festivities...