WNC AdGuild Likes Nonprofits

Local advertising network, WNC AdGuild, recently reported that since their launch in late March 2012, the network has served over 250,000 ad impressions for nonprofit organizations.

The POP Project is proud to be a member of the AdGuild, and to take a good sized chunk of those impressions.

As a nonprofit, our membership is free – which is just the kind of membership we like. It’s wonderful to have a source of local advertising that reaches our target volunteer market without sacrificing any of our precious funds.

We appreciate our partnership with the AdGuild and thank them for all their hard work. At this rate, local nonprofits may receive one million free impressions by the end of the year. That’s no small feat for a town our size.

The AdGuild also serves local businesses and area bloggers. To learn more about the WNC AdGuild and how you can become a member, visit their website or like them on Facebook.

Have you seen our ads around Asheville websites? Let us know!