When You’re with POP, Sometimes Books Almost Literally Fall at Your Feet

Last Spring, the POP Project paired up local filmmaker Ross Dillon of Roscomax Productions to create our very first YouTube video.

The concept was simple. Let’s take a few boxes of books around downtown Asheville, NC, and set them up like dominoes.

In practice, books are a little harder to stand on end – especially if it’s a windy Spring afternoon. Simple shots ended up costing us an hour and a dozen takes, but in the end, all the frustration was totally worth it!

Thanks to our good friend Cassady for allowing us the use of her apartment, as well as being our lovely book receiver. Cassady also helped inspire a little game within the video itself. How many times can you spot Montel Williams throughout the video?

Watch our video below, or click here to share it with your friends!