Give!Local Fundraising Program Launches TODAY!

GiveLocal-squareMountain Xpress has officially launched the 2016 Give!Local Asheville giving program this morning!

Give!Local is an online fundraising initiative benefiting 47 local nonprofits through micro-donations and exposure, including the POP Project. But nonprofits aren’t the only one reaping rewards. As a donor, you’ll be getting some great swag, too.

How Give!Local Works

Give!Local allows local donors like you to submit your holiday donations online, all in one place, and reap rewards in the process.

Give $1 to a new nonprofit you’ve never heard of. Give $20 to your favorite cause in town. Split another $150 among another half dozen nonprofits. Where and how much money you give is entirely up to you.

SPECIAL INCENTIVES FOR POP DONORS: Spellbound Children’s Bookshop will offer 50% off a Book of the Month subscription ($90–$300 value) to all POP Project donors of $100+.

Once you have completed your donations for the season, you simply check out once through the secure online platform. After December 31, nonprofits like POP (we’re in the Arts section) receive 100% of your donation, minus online credit card fees.

Based on your total giving level, you too, are able to cash in—at a variety of local businesses. At the first of the year, you’ll receive a coupon book, any incentives specific to the nonprofits you supported, and (fingers crossed!) one of the Big Give Day grand prizes.

Giving back while getting in return? Sounds like a win-win to us!

Don’t Miss the Big Give Days!

There are several Big Give dates scheduled throughout the Give!Local fundraising timeframe. On these days, donors pledging $20 or more will be entered to win special Big Give prizes, including seasonal tickets, gift certificates, and even a home assessment. Check out the Give!Local guide to see what cool prizes are being offered during each of these dates:

  • Big Give Week, November 1–7: Home Improvement Package
  • Big Thanks Give Week, November 20–26: 2016 Big Mystery Prize
  • Big Give Weekend, December 2–4: Romance Package
  • Big Give Weekend, December 16–18: Adventure Package

Come Celebrate with Us!

Give!Local is kicking off tomorrow with a free community event at Highland Brewing Company in Asheville. Join us on Wednesday, November 2 at 6:00pm to meet the nonprofits and celebrate our community. Evening festivities also include music from Asheville Music School students and Girls Rock Asheville. It’s also your first chance to win fabulous prizes. Learn more about the event and RSVP on Facebook.


Learn More about Give!Local

Visit to learn more about the program incentives and to see a full list of this year’s participating nonprofits and businesses.