Calling All Volunteers!

The POP Project is organizing the “Rethink Ink”Book Sale and Fundraiser THIS SATURDAY, March 24 from 11:00-3:00 pm.

In order to get everything set up and running smoothly, we need the help of a few intrepid volunteers. Friday evening, we’ll be moving boxes of books from our storage location in West Asheville just up the road to West Asheville Presbyterian Church, where the event will be held. We are hoping to move between 1,000 and 1,500 books for the event. With the help of a few volunteers, we should be able to do this in around an hour’s time.

Saturday is the big day. Our event runs from 11-3, but we’re going to be there much longer, unless we have your help. Saturday volunteers will be asked to come in early, around 9:30, to unpack books and lay them out on the tables. Volunteers who stay for the event will be asked to help with checkout at the door. Hopefully (fingers crossed) there won’t be much to clean up afterward, because all the books will be sold!

Here is the rundown again of what help we need:

Friday, March 23 — 6-7:30 pm — Help moving boxes of books

Saturday, March 24 –9-12:00 pm — (Shift 1) Help unpacking books and running checkout

Saturday, March 24 –12-4:00 pm — (Shift 2) Help running checkout and assisting with clean-up

If you are available to help, please email us at or fill out the form below.

The POP Project is a 100% volunteer-run nonprofit. Any and all volunteers are greatly appreciated, and we will endeavor to thank you properly for donating your time and effort.