Business and Management: POP’s Books of the Month


Starting a business? Training employees? Want to manage your finances? Need books?

suzeosman-the-courage-to-be-richThe POP Project currently has a surplus of books related to business, management, finances, economics, and leadership. Authors available include everyone from Dr. Phil to Suze Orman to Donald Trump to Zig Ziglar.

We would love to find these great books some good homes. If you know of any organization that would benefit from these books, please let us know. POP would be happy to donate several books, or several boxes, depending on the need.

The POP Project has been very fortunate to receive a wide variety of book donations. We have most types of books on hand at any given time, including novels, classics, children’s books, healthcare, women’s interest, religious, self help, and history.

If your organization or your clients would benefit from a greater access to books, contact the POP Project today to set up a book delivery.