Our Drop Box is Lonely – Do You Have Any Books to Keep it Company?


The POP Project currently has a drop box at the West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road.

It sits there by the front door, greeting people as they come in for their pastries and loaves of freshly-made bread. It bids them adieu as they run off to their families, their day jobs, and their lives outside the doors. The box sits quietly, never too demanding, always patient, always waiting.

The POP box keeps the Project moving. It is our best ambassador, keeping us in the public eye, and collecting books from those who have a few precious books at a time to donate.

All the box asks in return is a little company. A few books a day to keep it full and focused on its mission.

Please help us keep our box company. Go by West End Bakery today, and say hello. And hey, if you have a spare paperback or kids’ book you don’t need, why not drop it inside.

Image taken from WestEndBakery.com