POP has a New Storage Space in Woodfin!

Last November, the POP Project received the keys to the city! Well, actually, we received the key to a side door in a business park. But we couldn’t have been more excited.

Mark Bolick of His Glassworks in the Mills at Riverside graciously donated a large storage room in the back of his unit. As you can see below, the space offers more breathing room than our previous storage units, with the added benefits of shelf space. Best of all for our volunteer groups, its indoor location means that we won’t have to cancel volunteer opportunities because of poor weather conditions. And it has access to bathrooms!


Thanks to the new space, we have officially moved out of two of our three West Asheville storage units. Our storage costs traditionally comprised upwards of 80% of our annual operating budget. Now, with less paid space, we are excited to redirect those funds to our book delivery and little library programs. Our plan is to slowly move books from the remaining storage unit until we reach capacity in the new space.

We’ve already hosted one volunteer group in the new space and are expecting two more groups on February 11. As we continue to get settled, look for more photos of our new space on Facebook.