This year, the annual North Carolina Science Festival is running the entire month thanks to Little Free Libraries around the state—including one of the POP Project’s libraries here in Asheville.
A “Little Free Science Library” Comes to Asheville
For the fourth year, the North Carolina Science Festival is engaging Little Free Science Libraries across the state to encourage science literacy in our communities. The POP Project was lucky to be chosen among this year’s participants. The books the NC SciFest provided for our LFL were:
- The Universe in a Nutshell, Stephen Hawking
- 100 Questions about Outer Space, Simon Abbott

To promote science literacy, POP is featuring a science section in our Little Free Library on South French Broad Avenue. In addition to the books provided by the NC SciFest, we added books from our Book of the Month category for April: Science books.

About the North Carolina Science Festival’s Initiative
The North Carolina Science Festival, based out of UNC-Chapel Hill, is a statewide celebration of science that occurs every year in April. Books for the “Little Free Science Library” initiative were donated from the Morehead Planetarium community. NC SciFest bookmarks, pins, and temporary Kelvin tattoos are also available to LFL patrons.
Find more science events in the Asheville area at ncsciencefestival.org.