Since we began in 2009, the POP Project has worked to spread the power and possibilities of literacy through a greater access to books. We believe that making books available to everyone, especially from a young age, enables people to become more involved citizens, stay...
Category: Book Giving Programs

Visit a Second New Little Free Library at Asheville Fire Station 5Visit a Second New Little Free Library at Asheville Fire Station 5
With the support of the Asheville Fire Department, POP unveiled a public Little Free Library at Asheville Fire Station 2 earlier this month. Now, we have placed a second LFL at a local fire station: Station 5 at 1074 Hendersonville Road. The library sits beside...

Visit our Newest Little Free Library at Asheville Fire Station 2Visit our Newest Little Free Library at Asheville Fire Station 2
The POP Project’s ongoing goal is to provide books where there are few or none. Yesterday, in support of this mission and with the support of the Asheville Fire Department, POP unveiled a public Little Free Library at Asheville Fire Station 2, 415 South French...

POP has the Books You Need this Holiday SeasonPOP has the Books You Need this Holiday Season
At the POP Project, our one and only mission is to get free books into the hands of people in our community. Young, old, and everything in between—we do what we do because everyone deserves a good book. This year, we’ve made it our goal...

POP is Installing Bookshelves in Area Schools—and We Need Your HelpPOP is Installing Bookshelves in Area Schools—and We Need Your Help
POP’s youth book delivery manager has been working hard behind the scenes this year to make sure that children across Buncombe County have books to read and take home. But for her to continue to make progress, we have a favor to ask. Is this...

The Little Free Library Movement has Come to FairviewThe Little Free Library Movement has Come to Fairview
You may have noticed a happy green box outside of Food for Fairview recently. It sits on post outside the food pantry, with a clear door that opens at about eye level to a selection of new and gently used books. The box is one...

Can You Believe 2017 is More than Half Over Already?Can You Believe 2017 is More than Half Over Already?
The POP Project is channeling the proverbial tortoise this summer: We’re moving slowly and steadily toward a finish line, being careful not to burn out after quick bursts of speed. As our finish line is making sure that everyone in Western North Carolina has access...

POP Project Continues forward in our MissionPOP Project Continues forward in our Mission
There are some months that seem readymade for pomp, circumstance, and big announcements. Then there are other months than seem just as busy to those of us behind the scenes, but with little to show—or, show off, if you will. May has been one of...