Last November, the POP Project received the keys to the city! Well, actually, we received the key to a side door in a business park. But we couldn’t have been more excited. Mark Bolick of His Glassworks in the Mills at Riverside graciously donated a...
Month: January 2017

Branching Out and Taking Root: POP Project’s 2016 in Review and Look ahead to 2017Branching Out and Taking Root: POP Project’s 2016 in Review and Look ahead to 2017
The POP Project added one more ring of growth last year to our history as an Asheville-based volunteer nonprofit. Though the year took us in many directions, we spread our branches and dug in deep to keep reaching toward our mission. POP sorted, packed, and...

POP’s Give!Local and Additional End-of-Year Fundraising ResultsPOP’s Give!Local and Additional End-of-Year Fundraising Results
Give!Local Fundraising Results The POP Project is excited to help more people enjoy a book-filled 2017, thanks to the generosity of our Give!Local donors. The Give!Local online fundraising program is an annual Mountain Xpress initiative that enables locals to help area nonprofits through micro-donations. POP...