Are there books missing in our community? Would you even notice if there were? The freedom to read affects more than your access to certain specific titles. Censorship is a creeping shadow that, when let into communities, can envelop everything from school reading lists to...
Month: September 2015

POP Demolishes our Day of Caring Donation Record Thanks to Our 2015 Team!POP Demolishes our Day of Caring Donation Record Thanks to Our 2015 Team!
The POP Project recently completed our annual Day of Caring volunteer and book delivery day. We’re proud to say that it was our most impactful day yet, thanks to a great group of volunteers from the Beverly-Hanks & Associates realty agency! In just a few...
POP Accepted into the 2015 Give!Local ProgramPOP Accepted into the 2015 Give!Local Program
This holiday season, the Mountain Xpress launches Give!Local, a new online fundraising program aimed to help local nonprofits through micro-donations. With the same love behind it for local development as the Buy Local/Shop Local movements, Give!Local aims to develop a new generation of donors while...